Communication is a building block for all interaction. We use it everyday in a variety of ways; gestures, facial expressions, behavior, writing, and of course, speech. Many of us take communication for granted, until we have or meet a child who struggles to communicate.
My clinic works to give your child the means to communicate their wants and needs, their thoughts and ideas, their dreams and hopes. Whether we are building intelligibility, increasing their language, developing an alternative to spoken words, or learning to understand the social messages around us, my goal is to make your child an effective communicator at home, school, and in their community.
Parent Involvement
Parents are partners ~ parent involvement in the speech therapy process is an important part of your child's success. As part of my therapy services, parents and caregivers are welcome to attend sessions or are briefed following the session to promote continued practice and success at home. Communication doesn't just happen in the therapy room.
Do you worry about your child's speech and language skills? Are you looking for a speech pathologist? If you are interested in more information about my services or have questions or concerns about your child's communication, please contact me by phone at 206-650-4358 or via email at [email protected]